At some point, we reach a moment where we come to a halt and recognize that the old ways are no longer working. What often follows is a demand for something new – to show up differently, to step into the unknown or face the things we’ve been avoiding. It’s in those moments where we’re often confronted by our own limitations – recognizing that we may not yet have the tools or skills to tread on the new path. In my own journey, I'm no stranger to the unknown, needing to work through the grappling hooks of anxiety, numbness, depression and inner confusion. Along this path, I've had to wrestle my way through the discomfort – time and time again. As a coach, my role is to support clients by holding an honest mirror to themselves and their current situation. We clarify where you've been coming from and work with your challenges at their root. Throughout this journey, my aim is to provide guidance, create a space for deeper clarity, direct you to your inner capacity to lead, and hold you accountable to who you know yourself to be at the deepest core.


To me, one of the most transformational pursuits we can explore for ourselves is learning the skills to regulate our nervous system, train our capacity to be with life’s daily stressors, and stay resilient over longer period of time.

The most pivotal way I was able to create this for myself and the clients I work with is by building an intimate relationship to the breath…

As we learn to work with our own breathing, we cultivate the ability to move between activation and relaxation, which stretches our capacity to be in both poles. By developing more range, we become more flexible within our ability to appropriately respond to our environment, our life circumstances, and how we may feel from moment to moment.

As a result, we gain a deeper ability to stay regulated, grounded, and centered while operating from a sense of alignment and integrity.


I truly believe that as men, one of the greatest contributions we can make is restoring our ability to be in relationship – whether it's with ourselves, others, or life. Within these containers, we come together among men. We get to share our authentic reality alongside them, repair our disconnect from other men, and come into an embodied understanding of who we are as men.

We do this so we can recover our inner sense of wholeness, love better, and contribute to the world in the ways we feel innately inspired to. Whether it's within a men's circle, a workshop, or a program, these are spaces where we get to have a sincere look at who we've been, how we're presently showing up, and how we want to act moving forward.

Here, we drop our guard and are alongside other men who accept us wholeheartedly, keep us accountable, and lovingly challenge us to rise to the standards that we set for ourselves.
