An immersive 2-month group program for men who aspire to experience deeper growth, direction & competence in their relationships, connection to self & life purpose.

“Being integrated means being able to accept all aspects of oneself. An integrated man is able to embrace everything that makes him unique: his power, his assertiveness, his courage, and his passion, as well as his imperfections, his mistakes, and his dark side.”

— Robert A. Glover

A Call to Men…

Men want to lead themselves & others well.

If there's one conviction I live by having worked with numerous men, it's this one. The challenge I see is that many men simply haven't been taught the skills to do so.…

In countless conversations, men have shared with me their struggles:

They spoke of absent fathers & male role models that were not able to show them the way.

They shared their experience of being shamed for their emotional expression, ultimately directing them to disconnect from themselves.

Many were forced to focus on who they should be in order to be seen as men,

never actually given the ability to understand who they really are nor how to stand in their authentic expression.

Instead, they were molded into ideas that suggested there's strength in keeping their pain to themselves.

That asking for help, would lead to them being seen as weak or incompetent.

And so, many isolated themselves… Many „lone wolfed“ their way through life.

Sadly this isn't all, yet the the truth, to me, is clear:

Under all of these conditions, I see that we as men have been ill equipped to walk this journey of life as leaders in full embrace of our masculine essence. As an answer to these accounts of many men, I've come to create:

The Integrated Men's Leadership Intensive.

The aim that I have with this program is for us to walk a path of integration & self- leadership side by side.

Integrate“ from the Latin root “integrare“ means to make “whole“ again.

We'll examine the ways we were required to disconnect from ourselves. The aspects we've had to disown in order to stay safe, get our needs met and garner acceptance. Our work together will be about claiming those parts back, so we're able to show up in our fullest expression, embodying a sense of wholeness within.

On the other hand, in order for us to lead ourselves well, we have to learn the competencies that we've never had the chance to develop - whether it's learning how to navigate the murky waters of our own thoughts, being with the ups & downs of our emotions, learning how to do relationship well or how to chart our unique path or vision with a sense of self-conviction and trust.

Within this training, I aim to bring 1000’s of hours of accumulated work together – be it in my work with clients, my personal studies, the teachings I received from many leaders in the field of „Men's Work“ or my own lived, embodied experiences.

My dearest hope is that you're able to come out of this experience with the sense of clarity & empowerment that I wished I'd had when I first embarked on my journey.

So that we as men are able to boldly claim who we really are. So that we can find our way back to the places that we were forced to disconnect from. So that we have the tools to relate to any challenging aspects within ourselves. So that we're able to have the capacity and resilience to powerfully assert our vision into the world. And so we can can experience love, intimacy and connection we desire.

My conviction is: The world needs more powerful, heart-centered men…

One's that are fully expressed. One's that offer their gifts. And lead from their hearts in order to protect & provide.

On the other hand, I strongly believe we need ourselves as men…

And it’s my assertion, that the places we've had to disconnect from are the places where we get to find our way back.

Learning the tools to lead ourselves effectively within our body, mind & emotions is, as I see it, the path forwards.

From here, my trust is that a sense of freedom and inner peace can arise perhaps one, you may have not even known to be possible.

This, to me, is the warrior's path of the integrated man.

Are you ready to answer that call?

In service,


“Find where Life is begging you to drop in and face it with unwavering abandon.”

— John Wineland

Roadmap to Transformation

  • Within the first week, we’ll explore a new story of what it means to be a man in our modern times, emphasizing the importance of integration, embodiment & leadership. We will unpack some of the myths we’ve been taught about being a man, and come into a more aligned vision. Additionally, we’ll cover the “Lone Wolf Mentality” & the challenges of isolation among men in order to step into deeper connection with other men & brotherhood

  • In the second week, our exploration will center around the tension between authenticity & attachment. Within our desire to belong, whether it’s within our family unit, our community or society, we’ve had to prioritize “who we needed to be” over “who we really are”. This creates a gap between our authentic expression & the way we show up in the world. The intention is to explore the ways you have had to step out of alignment & the behaviors you have had to adopt. From there, we’ll ways to step into your own truthful expression & cultivate congruency with the way you show up & your internal experience.

  • During week three, our exploration will center around the foundational understanding of the nervous system - and how to apply this knowledge in your life to stay grounded, centered & resilient. Through the use of tools such as breath, movement, sound & mindfulness, we explore ways of navigating stress responses in our day-to-day life. Additionally, we’ll explore a new context of being with our emotions as men & learning to carry ourselves through them by prioritizing sovereignty over suppression.

  • Week four will be focused around your self-talk, the belief structures we carry that shape our perspectives & some of the foundational mechanisms of the mind. Here, we’ll establish the importance of cultivating awareness, introspection, mindfulness & directing one’s attention.

  • This week, we will focus on integrity and exploring where you may have stepped out of alignment within your own life, whether it’s within your daily actions, your relationships, where you’re not living in congruency with your deepest truth or where you have abdicated responsibility. The purpose will be to step back into alignment & do the work that’s necessary to be in integrity again. Additionally, we’ll explore some core tenets to lead ourselves.

  • Week 6 focuses on extending the principles of leadership into the realm of intimate relationships. Participants will explore how to effectively communicate, navigate conflict, and what it means to lead as men with our intimate partners through providing structure, directing with clarity & creating safety.

  • Here, we will delve into the dynamics of polarity, bringing a foundational understanding between the interplay of masculine & feminine energetics (independent of gender) and how these show up within our relationships. Through deeper insight into this dynamic, we then explore how to work with these expressions in order to magnify attraction within relationship. Here, we will explore the idea of taking responsibility over our own sexual charge & how we can lead with integrity in our intimate relationships.

  • Within this final week, we cover the topic of purpose, and what it would mean to live every day in a way that would be purposeful & meaningful uniquely to you. We will create a new frame of what living a life of purpose would be. Finally, we conclude by exploring a journey of integration, taking the lessons from the 8 weeks and incorporating them into our lives.

— Brandon Axley

"Within the span of a week of working with Alex, I was able to reconnect back with myself, which enabled me to fully reconnect with my partner & begin laying the foundation of a more mature, more rewarding relationship based in honest love & integrity"

This program is for you if:

✔︎ You’d like to have a deeper understanding of what masculinity means to you and have an embodied sense of who you are as a man

✔︎ You’d like to cultivate deeper connections with other men and experience brotherhood

✔︎ You’d like to challenge yourself, test your edges & be held accountable by a group of leaders

✔︎ You’d like to experience more confidence in who you are and how you show up in the world

✔︎ You’d like to live in deeper alignment & harmony with yourself

✔︎ You’d like to carry a deeper capacity to lead yourself through any emotions, staying grounded & centered

✔︎ You’d like to learn how to communicate with deeper clarity and authenticity, being trusted & respected for it

✔︎ You’d like to be a more effective leader within your intimate relationship & the bedroom


Alex Lehmann is a Men’s Leadership Coach, Nervous System Practitioner and the Host of “Heart of Man”.

Having battled depression, anxiety & low confidence from a young age, he spend the last decade dedicated towards healing and personal growth.

Being deeply immersed in various fields, he now brings an integrated approach to his work - a blend between modern science & ancient wisdom traditions. His passion today is to guide men in learning live & lead from their authentic core, to thrive in relationships & to step into emotional resilience, using the three pillars of his work: Mind, Body & Relating.


Program begins February - April 2024

Investment: 1,500 €

Or 3 installments of 550 €

Once your application has been submitted and your introduction call is planned in, I will review your application. Within our call, we will ensure if this program is a good fit.